Thank you for helping me find the courage! Your patient and persistent encouragement always helps me move past the rough patches. I hope many others will choose to experience you in this way too. You're an AMAZING COACH!!!

~Ms. T.

At Journey of Grace

Life Coaching, LLC

Welcome to a space just for you.

Do you ever find yourself wondering when you'll have time to address your own needs and desires? Life keeps us on a constant hustle, with never-ending to-do lists and demands pulling us in every direction. As a black woman, I understand the unique challenges that can make self-care seem like a low priority.

But here's the truth: Your well-being matters. When you take care of your body and spirit, everything else falls into place. It's not impossible, and it's not selfish to prioritize yourself. With a little planning and guidance, you can carve out time for yourself every week.

At some point, your own needs might have taken a backseat to the needs of others. You might be feeling unfulfilled or overwhelmed, like there's more to life that you're missing out on. It's time to rediscover yourself and what truly matters to you.

The key is to find harmony, not just balance, between the different aspects of your life. I'm here to be your guide on this journey. Think of me as your oxygen mask in the midst of life's chaos. Together, we can take a moment to breathe, to listen, and to develop an action plan to address your needs.

Let's explore what matters most to you in life and define goals that will bring more joy, meaning, and fulfillment into your world. This is your time, and I'm here to help you make the most of it.

Who is Sonya Teague?

Sonya Teague is a certified resilience and life coach. She founded Journey of Grace Life Coaching, LLC, which specializes in helping black women clarify their values, desires and goals so that they can define meaningful lives for themselves.

Sonya is profoundly dedicated to helping women understand the immense impact of grounding their lives in self-care. One crucial aspect of this approach is the cultivation of a daily self-care routine. By taking time for oneself regularly, women can shift their focus towards positive well-being, boost their overall mood, and enhance their sense of fulfillment. This is a simple yet powerful way to foster a more positive and empowered mindset.

Another essential component of Sonya's approach is the importance of setting healthy boundaries. For women who often prioritize others over themselves, this practice is transformative. Sonya guides individuals in recognizing their personal limits, learning to assert themselves when necessary, and preserving their energy for endeavors that genuinely align with their well-being and goals. This practice is about regaining control over one's life and creating space for personal growth and fulfillment.

Furthermore, Sonya emphasizes mindfulness as a way to reconnect with the present moment and reduce stress. Through mindfulness practices, women can enhance their mental clarity and enjoy a greater sense of serenity in their daily lives. This approach offers an opportunity to recharge one's spirit and foster a deeper connection with their inner self.

Sonya's approach to self-care is holistic, designed to empower women by nurturing their mind, body, and soul. By incorporating these practices, women can discover their inner strength and resilience, leading to a life characterized by greater harmony and fulfillment.

In addition to helping women achieve their goals, Sonya has worked for more than 20 years in the field of special education—serving countless students, families and stakeholders.

Sonya understands what it’s like to feel overwhelmed by the demands of work, family obligations and other responsibilities. Through her life coaching practice, she provides a safe space for black women to navigate their life journey—gracefully and consciously.

My 4 core pillars

  • Mindset is the foundation of change.

  • In order to have growth and transformation you have to face your true self.

  • Peace of mind happens when you are able to walk in your truth and purpose.

  • Self-care is a necessity.

“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.”

~Angela Davis

I have started to write this testimonial, multiple times and once I started it, I get a little teary-eyed thinking about how much I’d accomplished in such a short time with Sonya. Although I had been seeing a therapist and psychiatrist for the last three years, I was still having problems reaching my full potential and couldn’t understand why. In my first session with Sonya, she immediately recognized that I put everyone and everything above myself, often to my detriment. My job comprised almost a third of my week even though I was also raising three young men alone (ages 9, 15, 17,) attending school full time to earn my master’s degree, and playing the roles of daughter, sister and aunt. I HAD NO ME TIME!!

Sonya helped me recognize the importance of consistent self-care (meditating, reading) not self-maintenance (getting nails/hair done.) With her providing the support and accountability as my coach, I have been able to put ME first while continuing to strive towards my goals.  She truly cared about me and helped me learn to celebrate those little successes that I often overlooked.   She even helped me begin the process to improve my self-confidence and learn to accept that I am worthy of the job, the success, and the love!

I truly appreciate the work that Sonya has done with me to help me, find me! I didn’t realize how much I missed her. If you’re ready to do the work and move closer to finding your best self, contact Sonya, she’ll be able to help you out!

I can't wait to see what you do next!! I am a believer!

~Tiahana M.